
Name: Vallana Perrault

Are you a pro player, coach, association board member, tournament organizer, or racquetball broadcaster AKA why do racquetball players know you?
I am a Minnesota Racquetball Association board member, tournament director and player.

Where do you promote racquetball on social media and the web?
Minnesota Racquetball group on Facebook

Country of Origin: USA
Place you consider home: Minneapolis

Did you play as a junior? My dad taught me the game and the first tournament I played, I won Women’s Novice and I got the bug to play competitively.

Playing hand: Right

Year you started playing racquetball: 1990

Favorite racquetball shot: Backhand splat

Motivation for the game (what keeps you playing): The competition and striving to improve my game.

Love most about racquetball: The social aspect and sense of community with everyone that plays. It’s my second family. Also, having the opportunity to grow up watching the “Crafty Cutter” play for many years.

Preferred equipment: Head 160g and love all their equipment. Terry Kisling strings my racquets at 33 pounds.

Favorite event: US Open and the tournaments that I’ve run in Minnesota.

Best results at tournaments you’ve played in: Winning my first US Open tournament in 24-A/B in Memphis, winning my first Women’s Open MN State Singles title, qualifying for the pro draw at the US Open and playing on the stadium court. Getting inducted into the Minnesota Racquetball Hall of Fame.

Day job: Fleet Fraud Analyst

Other sports played in addition to racquetball: Running, golf, volleyball and tennis